Tuesday 6 October 2009

Should the idea of 'retiring' In MMA be retired?

Should the idea of 'retiring' In MMA be retired?

This isn't a full on entry in the blog, more of a food for thought entry...

The idea of retiring in any sport has always been down to a number of factors such as age, decrease in talent, lack of relevance, other opportunities etc...

In a sport that consistently grows year by year on the back of talent, excitement and great fights should the concept behind a premature or sometimes downright fake retirement be put to rest?

Now Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson is the latest to join the list of fighters that have decided to retire for one reason or another.

I'm personally bored of hearing of retirements set-up purely to make a 'comeback' seem all the more intriguing.

For the casual fan, surely the UFC Hype Train can build that excitement and intrigue with marketing such as the Countdown shows and such.

For the hardcore or more educated MMA fan, i find it somewhat of a joke that we're expected to believe in a gimmick that only really works with pro-wrestling.

Just a thought...

Dan Lane